
The Fight Fan's Resource
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Bozy Ennis


Filters: BoxeoGuide's Rating

Boxer Country Weight Ceiling Action Promoter Trainer Profile
1 Ennis, Jaron US 147 4.67 5.00 Matchroom Ennis, Bozy icon
2 Cruz, Andy CU 135 3.50 4.50 Matchroom Ennis, Bozy icon
3 Fulton, Stephen US 122 3.20 3.25 PBC Ennis, Bozy icon
4 Brady Jr, Haven US 130 1.83 3.00 Ennis, Bozy icon
5 LaManna, Thomas US 160 1.32 3.00 Ennis, Bozy icon
6 Rivera, Jan Carlos PR 140 1.22 3.00 Ennis, Bozy icon
The Fight Fan's Resource