
The Fight Fan's Resource
Enabling Boxing Addiction Since 2020

Boxers: 6
Average Ceiling: 1.58
Average Action: 3.63




Filters: BoxeoGuide's Rating

Boxer Country Weight Ceiling Action Promoter Trainer Profile
1 Ellis, Rashidi US 154 2.50 3.00 CES Rivera, Alex icon
2 Clary, Toka Kahn US 130 2.24 3.00 CES Roach, Freddie icon
3 Hogan, Francis US 160 1.58 4.25 CES icon
4 Paulino, Alejandro US 135 1.24 4.25 CES icon
5 Cusumano, Joe US HWT 1.20 3.25 CES icon
6 Gonzalez, Irvin US 126 0.72 4.00 CES Gonzalez, Irvin icon
The Fight Fan's Resource