Boxer Profile


Jamaine Ortiz

Rate Jamaine Ortiz
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.92 2.92
Action 2.50 2.50


Quick hands and he throws in combination. He'll jab from distance but he steps in and lets his hands go. Throws enough that he can be caught if you throw with him. Better than average feet, moves around well. Well conditioned, good motor. Outlanded Adorno but was dropped twice with left hands and earned a draw in a good scrap. Moved well and outquicked Albright in a wide decision win. Too quick and fresh for Herring in winning a close decision. Neutralized Lopez with movement and a southpaw stance but lost a decision in a low volume fight that could have gone either way,

Notable Fights

Undercard Gems: 04-24-2021 vs Joseph Adorno
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