Boxer Profile


Filip Hrgovic

Rate Filip Hrgovic
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.96 3.48
Action 3.50 3.25


European style jab, straight right. Wants to keep the fight at distance. Average hand speed. Has big power in the right hand. His chin is available and he's been caught. Conditioning is an issue over the distance. Dropped Molina with a left hook to the body, stopped him with the right. Took Booker apart and stopped him. Dropped by a Zhang right hook and got a narrow win in a high volume fight that could have gone the other way. Landed a big right hand to stop McKean in the last round of a slow, competitive fight. Leading against Dubois but ran out of gas and was stopped in a good fight.

Notable Fights

Good Fights: 06-1-2024 vs Daniel Dubois
Undercard Gems: 08-20-2022 vs Zhilei Zhang


Filip Hrgovic vs Tom Little (29:00)

Filip Hrgovic vs Sean Turner (1:39:00)

Filip Hrgovic vs Mario Heredia

Filip Hrgovic vs Gregory Corbin

Filip Hrgovic vs Rydell Booker
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