Boxer Profile


Daniel Dubois

Rate Daniel Dubois
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 3.75 3.69
Action 4.00 4.25


Comes forward patiently behind a good jab. Stays busy and looks for big right hands. Has very good power, especially the right. Average hand speed. A little stiff. Stopped Fujimoto with a massive right hand. Ran over Snijders. Joyce closed his left eye with the jab and stopped him in a competitive fight. Blitzed Cusumano with right hands. Stopped Bryan with a big left hook. Got off the deck 3 times in the first round and stopped Lerena with combinations to end a war. Hurt Usyk to the body but was stopped by a right hand in a competitive fight. Weathered the storm against Hrgovic and stopped him on accumulation to end a good fight.

Notable Fights

Good Fights: 06-1-2024 vs Filip Hrgovic


Daniel Dubois vs Dorian Darch (14:00)

Daniel Dubois vs Nathan Gorman

Daniel Dubois vs Ebenezer Tetteh

Daniel Dubois vs Tom Little

Daniel Dubois vs Richard Lartey

Daniel Dubois vs AJ Carter

Daniel Dubois vs Razvan Cojanu
The Fight Fan's Resource