Boxer Profile


Alberto Melian

Rate Alberto Melian
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 1.54 1.54
Action 4.00 4.00


Wants to fight on the back foot using the jab and looking to counter. Doesn't have great lateral movement, so he has to stand his ground and fight at times. Has average power but is game, has a good chin and is well conditioned. Will go to war if he needs to. Fortunato dropped him 3 times with right hands and again with a left hook to the body before Melian outworked him down the stretch and dropped him 3 times and get the nod in a great fight that could have gone either way.

Notable Fights

Undercard Gems: 03-27-2021 vs Frency Fortunato


Oscar Negrete vs Alberto Melian (1:33:00)

Alberto Melian vs Frency Fortunato

Alberto Melian vs Alan Luques Castillo

Alberto Melian vs Carlos Rodrigues Da Silva

Alberto Melian vs Johan Segura
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