Boxer Profile


Raymond Ford

Rate Raymond Ford
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.97 2.97
Action 4.00 4.00


Stays at range and uses the jab a lot. Good hand speed, can overwhelm guys with it when he comes forward. Good balance and reflexes. Can fight on the back foot and look to counter. Good chin and heart. Mostly looks for the straight left. Average power. Dropped Muro with a good straight left, stopped him with a barrage. Dropped Manriquez with a right hook and won every round. Dropped Reyes twice with straight left hands and dominated him. Dropped Lopez with a right hook early, stopped him with one later. Was backed up at times by Perez, but deserved the win in a close fight. Overwhelmed Bellotti with handspeed and stopped him standing. Too quick for Caraballo and landed a lot of shots until his corner pulled him out. Controlled distance and pace and dominated Medina with hand speed. Outwilled Kholmatov and stopped him very late to end a terrific fight. Closed strong but lost a close decision to Ball in a good action fight.

Notable Fights

Good Fights: 06-1-2024 vs Nick Ball
Good Fights: 03-2-2024 vs Otabek Kholmatov


Raymond Ford vs Weusi Johnson

Raymond Ford vs Rafael Castillo (1:36:00)

Raymond Ford vs Francisco Muro

Raymond Ford vs Isidro Figueroa

Raymond Ford vs Reece Bellotti
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