Boxer Profile


Oscar Valdez

Rate Oscar Valdez
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 3.75 3.58
Action 4.00 4.00


Comes forward and looks to land the left hook. Much improved on the back foot. Looks to counter with the hook and uppercut. He tries to outwill you. Above average power, average hand speed. He and Lopez dropped each other with left hooks, Valdez stopped him. Dropped Velez twice with left hooks and got the stoppage, but was hit quite a bit and lost some rounds along the way. Dismantled Berchelt with left hooks. Had trouble getting past Conceicao's jab but got the decision in a close fight that could have been scored for either fighter. Couldn't close the gap against Stevenson and was dominated. Won a clear decision over Lopez in the rematch. Outlanded by Navarrete in a good action fight.

Notable Fights

Good Fights: 03-29-2024 vs Liam Wilson
Good Fights: 08-12-2023 vs Emanuel Navarrete
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