Boxer Profile


Jaime Arboleda

Rate Jaime Arboleda
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 1.86 1.86
Action 4.00 4.00


Average hand speed and above average power. Likes to throw uppercuts and hooks on the inside but will try to fight at distance with the jab. Below average defensively, gets hit a lot. Stopped Betancourt in one round with a punishing body attack. Was dropped late by a Velez combination but got the decision in a great fight that could have gone either way. Dominated Barros and stopped him standing.

Notable Fights

Undercard Gems: 02-8-2020 vs Jayson Velez


Jaime Arboleda vs Victor Betancourt

Jaime Arboleda vs Jayson Velez

Jaime Arboleda vs Nicolas Polanco

Chris Colbert vs Jaime Arboleda

Jaime Arboleda vs Jhonatan Arenas
The Fight Fan's Resource