Boxer Profile


Dmitry Bivol

Rate Dmitry Bivol
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 4.87 4.37
Action 3.25 3.65


Good hand speed. Will fight coming forward or on the back foot, but mostly at distance. Works off the jab and tries to be first. Has good feet. Defensively responsible. Hard to beat in a slow paced fight. Efficient, he'll win the fight with the jab if you let him. Dropped Castillo with a counter right cross. Controlled the pace and range against Richards. Controlled Salamov with the jab and won every round. Controlled range and won a clear decision over Canelo. Controlled range and pace to dominate Ramirez, backing him up often. Dropped Zinad with a right hand and stopped him on accumulation.


Dmitry Bivol vs Joe Smith Jr

Dmitry Bivol vs Lenin Castillo

Dmitry Bivol vs Craig Richards
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