Boxer Profile


Terrell Gausha

Rate Terrell Gausha
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.35 2.35
Action 2.25 2.25


Defensively responsible. Fights on the back foot behind the jab. Wants to get you out over your front foot before throwing the right hand. He'll nullify a lot of what you want to do, but can be outworked. Below average power, decent hand speed. Low work rate. Just didn't do enough against Lubin and lost a wide decision. Clipped Clark with a good straight right counter and got him out of there. Dropped Tszyu with a good right counter, but couldn't keep him off and was dominated the rest of the way.


Terrell Gausha vs Said El Harrak

Terrell Gausha vs Steve Martinez

Terrell Gausha vs Luis Hernandez

Erislandy Lara vs Terrell Gausha (1:50:00)

Terrell Gausha vs Austin Trout

Terrell Gausha vs Jamontay Clark
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