Boxer Profile


Sergey Lipinets

Rate Sergey Lipinets
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.02 2.01
Action 4.00 4.00


Comes forward behind a high guard and looks to land the left hook. Will use the jab if he needs to slow movement. Wants to work inside with hooks and uppercuts. Likes to throw body shots. Average hand speed and power. Stopped Inson with a great left hook. Earned a draw in a very close fight with Clayton. Was dominated but went out throwing against the faster and stronger Ennis. Dominated Figueroa until his corner stopped it. Was hurt at times but dropped Davies three times to win a clear decision in a good shootout.


Sergey Lipinets vs Haskell Rhodes

Sergey Lipinets vs Erick Bone

Sergey Lipinets vs Lamont Peterson

Sergey Lipinets vs Akihiro Kondo (8:00)

Sergey Lipinets vs Jayar Inson (1:23:00)

Mikey Garcia vs Sergey Lipinets

Sergey Lipinets vs Jayar Inson

Jaron Ennis vs Sergey Lipinets

Sergey Lipinets vs Custio Clayton
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