Boxer Profile


Ricardo Sandoval

Rate Ricardo Sandoval
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.93 2.93
Action 4.25 4.25


Fights mostly at distance behind a good, long jab. Looks to land the straight right. Has pretty good feet. Average hand speed, above average power in both hands. Good body puncher. Dropped Gonzalez with a left hook, stopped him with a right hand. Dropped Tabuogon with a counter left hook, dominated hm and stopped him on accumulation. Landed the heavier shots against Harris and dropped him twice and stopped him with left hooks to the body. Bigger and stronger than Buitrago and was in control throughout until the referee had seen enough and stopped it. Outlanded Santomauro to win a wide decision.


Ricardo Sandoval vs Raymond Tabugon (2:26:00)

Ricardo Sandoval vs Jay Harris

Ricardo Sandoval vs Carlos Buitrago
The Fight Fan's Resource