Boxer Profile


Raul Curiel

Rate Raul Curiel
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.65 2.65
Action 4.00 4.00


Comes forward with volume punching on the inside. Conditioning has been an issue at times, he's a little soft around the midsection. Average hand speed, decent power. Throws a lot of body shots. Decent fighting on the back foot. Stopped Ramos on accumulation with a left hook to the body. Dropped Agaton with a left hook to the body, stopped him on accumulation. Got a second wind and stopped Kerobyan on accumulation to win a competitive fight. Dominated Diaz and stopped him on accumulation.


Raul Curiel vs Demetrius Wilson

Raul Curiel vs Jesus Sanchez (4:00)

Raul Curiel vs Ferdinand Kerobyan
The Fight Fan's Resource