Boxer Profile


Ohara Davies

Rate Ohara Davies
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 1.93 1.93
Action 3.00 3.00


Fights mostly at a distance and looks to counter. Wants to look for opportunities to land the right. Carries his lead hand low. Has a long jab, but it's not quick and he doesn't try to dominate with it. Has a little bit of pop, above average hand speed. Prefers to work at a slow pace. Dominated and stopped Yoon with the right hand. Stopped Ofori with right hands. Coasted to a wide decision over Mwangi. Clipped and stopped by big left hooks from Barroso.


Ohara Davies vs Miguel Vazquez (3:25:00)

Jack Catterall vs Ohara Davies
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