Boxer Profile


Javier Fortuna

Rate Javier Fortuna
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.53 2.53
Action 4.00 4.00


Mostly fights at distance, but will come forward in spots and throw in combination. Good hand speed and above average power. Can be wide with his shots but throws from different angles. Dropped Cuellar with a right hook, and stopped him on accumulation. Dominated Lozada and stopped him on accumulation. Diaz outworked him and put him on his back foot in a clear loss.


Javier Fortuna vs Bryan Vasquez

Javier Fortuna vs Carlos Velasquez

Javier Fortuna vs Omar Douglas

Javier Fortuna vs Mario Beltre

Javier Fortuna vs Jesus Cuellar

Javier Fortuna vs Antonio Lozada

Ryan Garcia vs Javier Fortuna

Robert Easter Jr vs Javier Fortuna
The Fight Fan's Resource