Boxer Profile


Jason Quigley

Rate Jason Quigley
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 1.74 1.37
Action 3.00 2.50


Stays on the back foot and tries to outbox you and counter. Doesn't use the jab a lot. Will stop and trade on the inside if he has to, but it's not his strength and he gets hit quite a bit. Stopped Marin on accumulation. Got the decision over Mosley Jr in a good fight that could have gone either way. Andrade blew him out and stopped him quickly.


Jason Quigley vs James De La Rosa

Jason Quigley vs Jorge Melendez

Jason Quigley vs Daniel Rosario

Jason Quigley vs Freddy Hernandez

Jason Quigley vs Fernando Marin

Jason Quigley vs Shane Mosley Jr
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