Boxer Profile


James Metcalf

Rate James Metcalf
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.00 2.00
Action 3.25 3.25


Well rounded, but not superb in any area. Likes to keep it outside, decent jab but will fight on the inside if it's to his advantage. Manages distance well, and does a decent job working the body. Good chin. Not a huge puncher, but can break guys down late in fights. Withstood an early beating from Cheeseman and made it a fight before being stopped on attrition late in a good war. Lost a close decision to Conway.

Notable Fights

Undercard Gems: 03-27-2021 vs Ted Cheeseman


James Metcalf vs Jason Welborn

James Metcalf vs Evgenii Vazem

James Metcalf vs Courtney Pennington
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