Boxer Profile


Fabio Wardley

Rate Fabio Wardley
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.84 1.95
Action 3.75 3.92


Wants to fight from distance behind a sharp jab. Good hand speed, above average power. Good athlete, moves well but doesn't use a lot of lateral movement. Fights with his hands low and looks to counter. Caught Vallily with a left hook and finished him with a fusillade. Stopped Lartey with a big hook, right hand combination. Molina frustrated him at times until he was stopped with a left hand. Blitzed Webb with combinations. Dropped Clarke but faded down the stretch for a draw in a good fight.

Notable Fights

Good Fights: 03-31-2024 vs Frazer Clarke
Undercard Gems: 11-26-2022 vs Nathan Gorman
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