Boxer Profile


Elvis Rodriguez

Rate Elvis Rodriguez
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.25 1.75
Action 3.00 3.00


Comes forward looking to land the right hook and uppercut. Tall and long but doesn't rely heavily on the jab. Average hand speed, above average power in the right hand. Can be troubled by a good jab that limits his output. Dropped Gonzalez with a hook, stopped him with a straight left. Stopped Norambuena with accumulated right hands. Stopped Murray with a strong jab to the cheekbone. Stopped Okoth with a big straight left. Battered Krael with right hooks. Took a couple rounds to figure out Veron and win comfortably. Couldn't get past Sims Jr's jab and lost a decision. Dropped Romero twice and stopped him with left hands. Dropped Adorno with a right hand and won a clear decision in a low output fight. Traded right hook knockdowns with Rodrigo and won a clear decision in a low volume fight.

Notable Fights

Upsets: 05-22-2021 vs Kenneth Sims Jr


Elvis Rodriguez vs Juan Pablo Romero
The Fight Fan's Resource