Boxer Profile


Ellie Scotney

Rate Ellie Scotney
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 4.00 4.00
Action 3.50 3.50


Comes forward behind a high guard and looks to land hooks inside. She'll work the body. Average hand speed and power. Cuts distance well with an effective guard. Can be effective on the back foot. Outlanded Cantos for a wide but competitive decision. Won a close decision over Guanini in a good action fight. Controlled distance against the smaller Roman and won a wide decision. Won a competitive decision over Romero. Outlanded Johnson to win a competitive fight. Stayed close to Lefebvre and outworked her for a wide decision. Fought mostly on the back foot and outlanded Motu in a wide decision.

Notable Fights

Undercard Gems: 02-12-2022 vs Jorgelina Guanini


Ellie Scotney vs Eva Cantos
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