Boxer Profile


Eimantas Stanionis

Rate Eimantas Stanionis
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 3.75 3.75
Action 3.75 3.75


Comes forward behind a high guard and looks to land the left hook. Uses a good, heavy jab on the way in, does a pretty good job of staying close. Left hand dominant, doesn't throw the right hand often except as an uppercut. Average hand speed and power. Stopped DeLoach on accumulation, started with a left hook to the body. Dropped Gonzalez with a right uppercut, stopped him with an overhand right. Won a clear decision over Dulorme in a competitive fight. Was dominating Collazo before a headbutt stopped it early. Outlanded Maestre to win a competitive decision in a good firefight.


Eimantas Stanionis vs Justin DeLoach

Eimantas Stanionis vs Janer Gonzalez

Eimantas Stanionis vs Thomas Dulorme

Eimantas Stanionis vs Luis Collazo

Eimantas Stanionis vs Radzhab Butaev
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