Boxer Profile


Ebanie Bridges

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BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.00 2.00
Action 5.00 5.00


Comes forward and throws a lot. Wants to land the right hand off the jab. She's strong and she'll pressure you and fight on the inside. Doesn't have a lot of defense, she wants to outwork you. Lost a close decision to Courtenay in a great war. Dropped Connolly with a right hand and stopped her with another. Hurt her right hand and won a decision over Gangloff in a war that probably should have gone the other way. Outlasted Roman in an inside war to win a clear decision.

Notable Fights

Undercard Gems: 09-4-2021 vs Mailys Gangloff
Good Fights: 04-10-2021 vs Shannon Courtenay
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