Boxer Profile


Devin Haney

Rate Devin Haney
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 3.75 4.15
Action 3.00 2.80


Responsible defensively, smooth counter puncher. Relies on reflexes for defense, sometimes uses the shoulder roll. Good jab. Great athlete, fast hands. Folded Moran with an overhand right on the button. Stopped Abdullaev on accumulation after 4. Dropped Santiago with a right uppercut, won but didn't dominate. Controlled range with the jab and outpointed Linares. Outlanded Diaz to win a clear decision. Beat Kambosos clearly twice with the jab and his feet. Got the decision over Lomachenko in a tactical fight that could have gone either way. Dropped three times by Garcia left hooks and lost a clear decision in a good fight.

Notable Fights

Good Fights: 04-20-2024 vs Ryan Garcia
Good Fights: 05-20-2023 vs Vasyl Lomachenko


Devin Haney vs Antonio Moran

Devin Haney vs Zaur Abdullaev

Devin Haney vs Alfredo Santiago

Devin Haney vs Jorge Linares
The Fight Fan's Resource