Boxer Profile


Brian Ceballo

Rate Brian Ceballo
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 1.61 1.61
Action 2.75 2.75


Stays somewhat responsible defensively, but can be outworked. If you come to him, he will stay in the pocket and look to counter. Average hand speed and power. Doesn't get hit all that much. If he has to lead, he'll come forward from a distance behind the jab. Stopped Florez with a left hook to the body. Cruised against Gomez. Seemed rusty and was outworked by Flaz in a close fight.


Brian Ceballo vs Luis Longoria (2:11:00)

Brian Ceballo vs Adan Ahumada

Brian Ceballo vs Tavoris Teague

Brian Ceballo vs Ramal Amanov (33:00)

Brian Ceballo vs Larry Gomez (7:00)
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