Boxer Profile


Austin Williams

Rate Austin Williams
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 2.60 2.60
Action 3.50 3.50


Aggressive southpaw. Above average hand speed, above average power. Comes forward and uses the jab some. Aggressive southpaw. Above average hand speed, above average power. Comes forward and uses the jab some. Looks to land the straight left. Much less effective on the back foot using a lot of lateral movement that doesn't lead to anything. Will go to the body. Doesn't throw a lot of punches, but he's looking to land heavy. Good athlete. Not a great finisher yet, but the power is there. Dropped Sanchez three times with the left hand and stopped him. Got Jones in trouble with a big left hand and poured it on until the ref stepped in. Controlled Douglin and won a wide decision. Dropped Maciel with a left and then battered the body and dropped him twice more before the ref waved it off. Dropped Conway with a right uppercut and won a clear decision. Ended a very dull fight against Mbumba-Yassa with a straight left hand. Had some moments against Sheeraz but was stopped on accumulation in a competitive fight.


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Austin Williams vs Joel Guevara

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