Boxer Profile


Alen Babic

Rate Alen Babic
BoxeoGuide's Rating Average Rating of all
Ceiling 1.24 1.12
Action 5.00 5.00


Free swinging power puncher. Comes forward throwing hooks from both sides. All offense. He gets hit and can gas himself out. Bulldozed through Winters in 2. Kennedy couldn't deal with the pace. Blew through Little and ground him down. Mauled Chambers from the first bell and stopped him with a big left hook. Stopped Bennett on attrition in a high volume scrap. Dropped Molina with a right hand and blew him out. Weathered some trouble and got Spilmont out. Was dropped early and hurt late by Balski but outlanded him and won with pressure and conditioning. Hurt and stopped early by Rozanski.

Notable Fights

Undercard Gems: 05-21-2022 vs Adam Balski


Alen Babic vs Morgan Dessaux
The Fight Fan's Resource